
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Born Friend of Jinnat, Allama Lahuti Pur Asaraari

Ubqari Magazine - February 2019

My old friend had returned: Yesterday, when I was busy in my holy recitations, tasbihat and holy routine pious acts, that suddenly, I felt a particular fragrance and it was of my old friend, Fauqani Saani Jin, he came and sat beside me, he also started holy recitations, tasbihat. As I had realized so I felt happy that my old friend had come to meet me, after I was free from my routine holy acts, I got attentive towards my friend, asked about his well-being and inquired that where had he been for so long? He said: I went for Hajj and I felt that I should lead all my life in Madina Munawara, then I decided to spend the rest of my life in Madina Munawara, now I have brought a commandment for you and this message, then he give me a special message of a special personality, conversation carried on, questions and answers were exchanged, and talking with each other carried on. 

More Jinnat are in Makkah or Madina? I asked a question that I have heard from people that most of the Jinnat in Saudi Arabia are in holy Makkah and in Madina Munawara? What is your opinion? He said: That more Jinnat are in Madina Munawara and they are old Jinnat but amongst them, there are many Jew Jinnat which are in Madina Munawara and after this in Khyber, they are spread out in the whole world but a lot of them are in Saudi Arabia. 

Talk of the Jew Jin: I asked him that did you meet any such Jew Jin, who told you about some happenings over there, some experiences, some observations, he said: Yes, there is an old Jin who is a very old Jin, whose life is centuries old and he has got a long life and there are many experiences with him. Such instances and such strange talk which a person becomes crazy listening to, sometimes a person is amazed that even such instances happen in this world? This Jew Jin told me that in Madina Munawara, outside the boundaries of Haram Sharif, far away, all the non-Muslims Jinnat live and a strange thing is that if they enter into the boundary of Haram Sharif, they catch fire and they suffer from pain, there is such a universal natural system which is beyond the wisdom and comprehension of any person. These people live outside Madina Munawara, in the hills, jungles, gardens, caves, holes and old graves of mushrikeen (who believe in partners with Allah) which have become ruins. 

Is there any Jin who has!!! I asked: Did you meet any such Muslim Jin who had frequently seen Holy Prophet (ﷺ), his companions (Sahaba رضی اللہ عنہم اجمعین), Ahl-e-Bait (رضی اللہ عنہم) , capable Mohaddiseen? Fauqani Saani: Not one, but many and not many but more than many Jinnat are still around who have seen all these scenes, I met one such Jin who had witnessed the migration of Holy Prophet (ﷺ), this Jin showed me the ways from which Holy Prophet ﷺ passed by during migration and till today, these ways are such, upon which no human has passed by and upon which only the sacred feet of Holy Prophet ﷺ passed upon, Prophet ﷺ travelled upon such unknown ways during migration which enemy did not hear about. 

Even today, the fragrance comes: Even today, fragrance comes from this route, then Fauqani Saani showed me a stone from his bundle of cloth, this stone was like other ordinary stones but every stone was full of fragrance and nice smell was coming out of it, I asked what is this? He said: This is the stone upon which the feet of the camel of Holy Prophet ﷺ had touched and such have a particular smell, then he showed me another bundle, that tone was strange as, the moment the bundle was opened up, in one moment the whole of room lit up even though it was dark and fragrance started coming out of it. He said: This Muslim Jin picked them up and gave me and these are that stones upon which the sacred feet of Holy Prophet ﷺ touched upon and in these stones are also there, where holy Prophet ﷺ did recitations and at some places took some rest. The places where holy Prophet ﷺ rested: All the stones from these places were picked up by Jinnat and these few came into my share, then that Jin once took me to this route and we started going from Makkah to Shahrah-e-Hijrat (road of migration) and beyond, from where holy Prophet ﷺ migrated, 

He showed me that spot where holy Prophet kept his feet: He took me to those roads and places where my Lord Holy Prophet (ﷺ) kept his feet or his camel or his companion of cave Hazrat Abu Bakar رضی اللہ عنہ. put his feet then he took me to that cave in which Holy Prophet ﷺ took refuge from the enemies. Then a strange secret which I did not heard about till today was revealed before me, just now, he said even today when Jinnat come to this cave and spent few days, the worse Jin of the world who is involved in the worse sins and still he is contented on his worse life, when he is brought into this cave, within few days, world of his heart is changed, his world of desires changes, his world of passion changes. 

This Jin becomes a saint: This Jin becomes pious so much so that became a saint and a very pious person and he gets so much blessings, gets so much Barakat which are beyond comprehension and realization. Fauqani Jin further said that in this cave, there is one such corner about which common man and common person does not have any knowledge, it is that corner in which my holy Prophet ﷺ sat and put his back with and there is another corner towards which my holy Prophet ﷺ stretched his blessed feet, the corner with which holy Prophet ﷺ touched his back, if in this corner, one touches his head and recites any holy verse for atlesast one tasbih or recites any masnoon Darood Pak then the wish is granted, difficulty is solved, worries go away, and the impossible in life becomes possible and the corner towards which my Lord Holy Prophet ﷺ stretched his feet, if one puts his right shoulder in this part of the cave and does one tasbih of Istighfaar (recitation of verses of repentance)

Then one gets the ability to abide by the true Sunnah of Holy Prophet ﷺ, to follow him, do good deeds, sainthood and spiritual life. The world of heart changes, world of passion, world of heart and thoughts, the world is changed and a person makes his days and nights strangely precious in which there is fragrance, springs, kashf, blessed acts, angels and meeting with pious Jinnat begins.

Will get whatever asks for: There is one such place towards right side where the animals for riding were kept (those camels etc. which were with holy Prophet ﷺ at the time of migration) if any person puts a prayer mat over there and offers 2 rakat nafal by facing towards Kiblah, he will still get a big house, big vehicles, a higher rank, even kingship and can get anything in his life. Whoever will offer 2 nafal at this place and whatever will ask for, Allah سبحانہ تعالی will grant him.

My tears were not stopping: I continuously smelled these stones, my tears were falling, the stones upon which my Lord holy Prophet ﷺ put his holy body, where Prophet ﷺ sat and where holy Prophet ﷺ spent some time. Here holy Prophet ﷺ did recitations and remembrance of Allah سبحانہ تعالی. I was touching it with my eyes and strange light (Noor), coolness, blessings and springs were revolving in my eyes.

Give me some stones: By gathering some strength I asked my friend to give me one stone or few stones, he took out some stones which were highly blessed stones and gave them to me. What a blessing it was, what Barakat? What honour?

Strange miracles of the stone: There is fragrance and more fragrance, light (Noor) and more light (Noor), pleasantness and Barakat and more Barakat in it, if you put it in the ultimate strong acid of this world, these stones will not melt, if taken out from asset and then plain water is put upon these stones, the water will also become fragrant and again the fragrance will start coming of this stone. If you keep it in water for a little more time, the water will start becoming milky and after some time, will take the form of milk. Water will become so sweet that at times some more water has to be mixed with it so that the sweetness becomes normal, and with every breath, every moment is fragrant keeps on increasing.

Blessings of the fragrance: Fauqani Jin narrated another experience of his that during those special nights, special moments and special minutes regarding which lot of respect and honour has been expressed in Shariah, during these, the fragrance increases and his experience is absolutely correct and it is so and it is an absolute fact. Factually, the fragrance increases and the fragrance increases so much that at times the room is full of fragrance and the other person thinks that some scent has been kept in this room or something with fragrance has been burnt in this room even though neither a scent nor a fragrant thing has been burnt in this room. Actually this is the blessing of this fragrance and these are Barakats of this fragrance.

It is a great honour: What a great honour it is? The stones which were touched by the holy and fragrant body of our Lord Holy Prophet ﷺ, what Barakats are with these stones, today after centuries, as it is almost 1500 years now but, these Barakats are still present and why these should not be present, they will be present till the Day of Judgment and why should these may not be present, this honour will be present till the Day of Judgment.

The world of spirit is blessed: Fauqani Saani started saying: Every person who desires that world of his spirit is blessed, the world of Wajd, of Kashf, he should not forget to go to this cave (Ghar-e-Saur), the cave (Ghar-e-Saur) in which our Lord Holy Prophet ﷺ took refuge from his enemies. I asked a question that did you ever meet any such person, meaning Jin who had given pain to Muslims before and has been fighting war alongwith Kuffar but then has returned towards the life of faith.

Go to the Roza-e-Athar and ask for forgiveness: He said: I met many Jinnat and my long stay in Madina Munawara gave me many experiences and blessings and information of this life, in this information, one thing which has been revealed clearly before me is that whoever did enmity with Holy Prophet ﷺ or his followers and caused them pain, never could live with peace and harmony, never had Barakat and blessings, a Jin met me who had supported the Mushrikeen in battle of Uhad, all his body was full of leporacy and he cried a lot, finally an old Jin went to him and told him that he should go to the Roza-e-Athar of Holy Prophet ﷺ and ask for forgiveness, he kept on going there continuously for 40 days and while crying asked for forgiveness, as a result of this forgiveness, he got faith as well as health. Fauqani Saani said that I met this Jin who was a new Muslim, he had become a Muslim only few centuries back but there was fear of Almighty Allah سبحانہ تعالی, connection with Allah سبحانہ تعالی, Noor on his face, Noor-e-Walayat (Noor of Sainthood) and he had instances of prays being answered and he had the power of prays being answered and its effect to such degree that I was amazed myself that a Jin who had embraced Islam afterwards, had reached to this elevated level, at which level we should have reached and why we could not reach it.

Just one slight worry: There was just this one worry which stayed in my heart and there was a feeling of shame which had stuck with my realization and my heart, body, my feelings, my thoughts were digging me from within that you are a born Muslim and this Jin is not even a born Muslim, he achieved such an elevated place and has reached from where to where, then why have we gone so far away?

How great he is: I was listening to the talk of Fauqani Jin and each & every talk of his was like pearls and jewels and he had these pearls and jewels within himself, I realized this and his concern that what a lucky Jin he is, he has met so many pious Jinnat. How great is he that he has met pious and saint Jinnat. I had emulated and I kept on kissing these stones and then looking towards Fauqani Jin that Fauqani Saani had given me those blessed stones, he had roamed about on these places of Barakat. Then I took a promise from Fauqani Saani that if I came for Hajj, he would surely come with me and will take me to these places which he had seen and we will roam about step by step and he will definitely tell me about Barakats and yes, I recalled another thing that Fauqani Saani will take me to this cave and will show me all the places and corners where my Lord Holy Prophet PBUH put his fragrant back and will show me the place where my Lord put his steps and I will surely ask him about this place rather, will offer Nafal at the place where those blessed animals stood, will recite a tasbih of Darood Sharif at this place and will touch my right shoulder with the corner towards which the fragrant blessed feet were pointing and will recite a tasbih of Istighfaar and pray to Allah سبحانہ تعالی and will ask for spirituality (continued)


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